Not tryin to give those old school Christian folks in your life a heart attack this Holiday? Well, we can't help ya out there. This is simply not the sweater for you! We like it loud at Too Fast, and we aren't only talking about the music. We like Everything Louder Than Everyone Else (to quote Motorhead.). In fact, we advocate for pure unleashed flamboyant self-expression. So please be who you are in peace! So fk it, show up in this 666 sweater if you want to, what are they gonna do, baptize you??
We know that Christmas is supposed to be cheerful and all, but we aren't cheery like the other girls. Normal is boring and not normal to us at all. Normal is our abnormal. But as long as you feel that inner warmth and joy when wearing one of our Christmas Sweaters, well, then I think we did our job pretty damn well! So eat those fresh-baked cookies with your friendz and family and at least pretend that you are enjoying the Holidayz. Merry 666mas everybody!